The Institute of Afro-Diasporic Studies (IAS) is a non-profit civil association created in 2017 to educate and raise awareness of society (from a scientific, eclectic and non-partisan perspective) of Africanity as a fundamental component of the Latinamerican and Caribbean nationalities and the infinite potentialities for development that derive from it.
Headquartered in Colombia and Venezuela, IAS focuses its efforts on combating structural racism, inherited from the colonial era, through the dismantling of prejudices, ideological biases and false narratives through scientific research, the promotion of academic debate, direct contact with organized communities, universities, companies, government institutions and various interest groups and through the intensive use of communication and information technologies.
To achieve the empowerment of the Afrodescendant population in Latin America and the Caribbean by means of ethnic self-recognition, full exercise of their fundamental rights and awareness of their majority status as appropriate.
To promote the recognition of Africanity as the fundamental component of the Latinamerican and Caribbean Identity (as appropriate) based on historiographical, scientific and empirical evidence, emphasizing the indispensable contribution of the African diaspora to the construction of the American republics and the consequent need for reparations to the Afro-descendant population that this implies.
The IAS Programs are oriented to provide advice, training and guidance to Afro-descendant communities in sensitive and strategic areas for their development. In this sense, the first phase is considered:
• IAS goes to school: Initiative designed to initiate children and young people in the foundations of human rights, ethnic self-recognition and their role in society as subjects of law and promoters of racial equality.
• IAS goes to the community: Training oriented to community organizations (community councils, neighborhood associations, parish boards, condominium amongst many others) in relation to the practical aspects of human rights, afroidentity from a collective vs. individual perspective and its role as organized groups before the State from the ethnic point of view.
• IAS Women: A series of training courses aimed at the Afro-descendant female population (girls, adolescents, adults and older adults) with the purpose of equipping these age groups with the tools to prevent, combat and overcome aggravated discrimination; Proper of its gender and ethnicity.
• IAS Black Star: Entrepreneurship program named after the great shipping company created by the father of Panafricanism, Marcus Garvey, in a clear understanding of the need for economic power as the main route towards the emancipation of Africans and their descendants. Following this same thread, IAS Black Star is designed for the development of communities through the sustainable production of goods and services from the traditional African perspective Ubuntu (respect for the family nucleus, the environment and the common good)